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BLUETOOTH low energy

BLUETOOTH low energy


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Il modulo TDBLEWIFI (bluetooth low energy 5.0) permette la timbratura tra dispositivi portatili quali SmartPhones, Tablets, Watchs e tutti i modelli di terminali Technodrive.

E’ possibile abilitare le timbrature secondo le politiche di controllo

degli accessi.  L’APP “fingerBLE” e’ compatibile con dispositivi Android e iOS.  E’ anche possibile assegnare un valore di sensibilita’ e un nome per ogni device.

TDBLEWIFI module (bluetooth low energy 5.0) allows clocking between portable devices such as SmartPhones, Tablets, Watches and all models of Technodrive terminals.

It is possible to enable clocking in according to the control policies

of accesses. The “fingerBLE” APP is compatible with Android and iOS devices.

It is also possible to assign a sensitivity value and a name for each device.



Copyright Technodrive.srl Via Enzo Ferrari 7 20004 Arluno Milano Italy
sales@technodrive-srl.it  Tel.+39 0290377887     PI 13384950153